Paying rent

Here, you can read more about how you pay your rent and how you sign up your rent to PBS

It is probably no surprise that you have to pay rent every month. The rent is paid in advance and has to be transferred the first weekday of each month, or it can cost you DKK 326 in late payment fees. The rent collection will be sent out via e-mail every month around the 15th-25th. You can pay the bill via your online banking or in a local bank. 

You will not receive a receipt when the rent is payed. If you contact us, we can't always confirm that we have received your payment. It can sometimes take a few days for your payment to be registered in our system. If the payment has been transferred from your account, we will probably receive it within a few days. It is not necessary to send us a receipt of the payment, unless you pay too late. Transfers from international banks can take even longer.



Note - PBS can only be used from a Danish account.
If you want to be certain that your rent is always paid on time, we recommend you sign the rent up for payment service (PBS). This way your rent will be paid automatically. PBS also adjusts the amount, if there are changes from month to month, for example if your rent one month is slightly higher because you have used the laundry more than usual.


How do I sign my rent up for PBS?

You can sign your rent up for PBS through your online banking service. The information you need to sign up will be on the rent invoice that is sent to you each month. When you sign up for PBS it is important that you pay the invoice manually the first time, as the payment service will not work before the next rent collection.