The annual dormitory meeting is the residents' opportunity to get some say in what happens at their dormitory. This year many of our residents used this great opportunity.
At the meeting, the residents were presented with the finances and budgets of their dormitory and they got the opportunity to ask questions about these.
A big subject at this year's meeting was to introduce no smoking at the dormitories. Upon invitation from BOSERA (previously Kollegieboligselskabet), the residents had to decide whether or not their dormitory should be a non-smoking area. The reason behind this proposition was a wish to reduce problems with passive smoking among our residents, and also the increased focus on the reduction of smoking and passive smoking in public. The proposition was approved by all dormitories, and we are happy to say that all BOSERA's (previously Kollegieboligselskabet's) dormitories will be non-smoking areas in the future.
The residents on Rasmus Raskkollegiet also decided that the accommodations in block 26 and 27 need to be renovated with new kitchens and more. This was proposed with a wish to create the best accommodations for our residents.
At the meeting we also talked about other subjects and BOSERA's (previously Kollegieboligselskabet's) representatives got the opportunity to answer questions from the residents.
We would like to thank all who attended the dormitory meetings. We hope to see even more of our residents at next year's meetings.