Personal data policy for residents

BOSERA (previously Kollegieboligselskabet) treats all personal data with care




  • At BOSERA (previously Kollegieboligselskabet) (from now on referred to as "The housing society"), we will manage your personal data in an electronic way or through another systematic way. We are therefore obliged to tell you which data we register, pass on or manage. 
  • The purpose with treating your data is generally for administrating your tenancy in accordance with the rules. 

Data responsibility

  • The housing society is responsible for the data that we manage in connection with your tenancy. The housing society is also, in accordance to the Danish data protection policy, responsible for lawful treatment of your personal data.
  • This implies that you among other things can contact the housing society if you have questions to the management of your personal data or if you wish to use your rights in accordance to the Danish data protection legislation. See no. 8 underneath.



Establishing a case 

  • When you rent an accommodation, we make a case in our IT-system. We register a row of different personal data, which we generally get from you. 
  • Among other things, we register identification information such as your name, address, private and work phone and e-mail address. We also register member number/revaluation number, information about the household size, composition and how many children live at home, if any.
  • Furthermore, we register information about whether or not the accommodation has been directed by the municipality, if there has been received any economic support from the municipality and whether or not you have a municipal deposit loan. 
  • If you live in an accommodation where the leasing has the condition that you are studying, then we also get information about your education status. 
  • The reason behind the information we treat can be seen under points 1.1-2.1.4, that is necessary to treat information to make a lease with us. The legal basis is the Danish data protection law § 6, part. 1, cf. the Danish data protection legislation article 6, part 1, point b.

Personal identity number

  • We also ask for permission to treat your personal identity number (CPR-number). This happens, as we need to be able to identify you, the current lease with us and of practical and administrative reasons. Your personal identity number can also be used for digital communication including transfers such as via NemKonto and E-boks. 
  • The legal basis is the Danish data protection law § 11, part. 2, no. 2.

Economic conditions

  • There are some situations where the housing society also treats information about your economic state. This can be information about the support you get for paying the deposit or that you are in arrears with your rent or other obligatory payments and debts to the housing society.
  • The legal basis for this is the Danish data protection law § 6, part 1, cf. The Danish data protection legislation article 6, part 1, point b.

Information about sickness, impairments etc.

  • It can also be necessary that we treat information about special needs or if you have other impairments that demand your accommodation to be suited to your needs. Such information is treated to determine, if you live up to the criteria that are needed to get priority to a specific accommodation or an accommodation, which is suited to your needs.
  • We treat the information that is necessary to meet social justice obligations, which is from another law cf. The Danish data protection law § 7, part 1, cf. The Danish data protection legislation article 9.
  • We might also need to treat information about illness, if you wish to sublease your accommodation because you are away from it for an amount of time cf. The general housing law § 65, part 1. In this connection we can also treat information about business travels, studies abroad or other temporary moves cf. The general housing law § 65, part 1.


  • According to the law, we as a housing society have the possibility to receive information about crimes committed before or in the housing area, in which the person lives or against an employee of the housing society. The police is allowed to give such information when necessary in creating a safe environment. The legal basis is the general housing law. 
  • Information about crime can be treated in accordance, if the lease is cancelled cf. pkt. 5 underneath.



 House Rule complaints. 

  • We as a housing society are obliged to treat complaints from the residents and if required act against residents that might not act in accordance to proper conduct. In connection to our management of complaints, we also treat personal data electronically.  
  • We refer to our policy about management of personal data in connection to house rule complaints. It is available


  • When moving in you get a laundry card, which gives access to use the laundry. The consumption of the laundry is registered at an external company and is collected through the rent collection. We can register your name, address, phone number and e-mail at the external company for management of your laundry account. 


  • If there is any individual water meters in your accommodation, these are managed either by the housing society or by a consumption collection company. With the consumption collection company, the housing society exchange information about your resident, payed on account and your name.


  • Internet is delivered by We do not give any information to about you unless the operation of the common network in the building is affected by actions made to the network from your accommodation. 


  • If there are any individual heat meters in your accommodation, they will be managed either by the housing society or by the consumption collection company. With the consumption collection company, the housing society exchange information about your resident, payed on account and your name. 


  • If you have given us power of attorney to sign the accommodation up to the relevant power company, we will use information to sign you up, hereby also the power product that the accommodation use. 
  • Through the lease, the housing society can sign you up to a supplier of power before you move in and resign you at the power deliverer when you move out. 
  • If there are individual sub-meters in your accommodation, these will be managed either by the housing society or by the consumption collection company. The housing society exchange information with the consumption collection company about your resident, payed on account and your name. 

Key card for your accommodation / key login

  • You have gotten a key card, which actives the electronic door lock at us. Your key card has a number, which will be registered in an electronic log when you open the electronic lock. The log shows when your key card has been used and where.
  • The information in the log can potentially be used to track which doors the key card has been used to open and at what time. We only use this information in extreme cases such as burglary. The electronic log will be rewritten with reasonable intervals. That means your key card will not work forever. 
  • The legal basis for this is the Danish data protection law § 6, part. 1, cf., the Danish data protection legislation article 6, part. 1, point f, as they will follow the legal parts under part 3.8.2.

Waiting list

  • If you are on the housing society's waiting list, we also treat some of your personal data. We refer to the description of treatment of personal data in connection to administration of the waiting list, which is available at



Information about termination of tenancy, the background etc. 

  • In connection to your termination of tenancy, we register the relevant data for the reason behind the termination or move. This happens so we are able to document the background for the termination or move.
  • The law allows BOSERA to cancel the lease through for example the general rent act chapter 15. The policy states that for example the lease can be canceled, if the rent or other mandatory payments  are not payed on time. Also if a resident does not behave in a proper manner or if someone has been punish in accordance with § 4 in the law about restrictions of visitors in certain rooms. This means that Kollegieboligselskabet can treat confidential data (such as economic conditions) and sensitive information (such as crimes committed) in connection to a cancellation of the lease.
  • The law also makes it possible to pass on personal data between housing societies in case a housing society has cancelled a lease in a certain dormitory. The passing of these information is necessary to strengthen the safety work in a certain area of housing. The legal basis for this is in the general housing act. 



Deleting data

  • 5 years after your last economic transaction, we delete the economic data about you unless you still owe money to BOSERA. The economic data is deleted in reference to the bookkeeping law 5 years after the transaction is registered. 

Request about deleting data

  • When you contact us with a request to get fixed or deleted your personal data, we make sure that you meet the requirements and if you do, we will make sure it is deleted or fixed as soon as possible. 



  • Through the personal data policy law you have some rights in connections to how we treat your personal data. 
  • In connection to this, you have the right:
    • to request to get insight into what data we have and manage about you (in accordance with the Danish data protection legislation article 15).
    • to request if we rectify the personal data that we manage about you (in accordance with the Danish data protection legislation article 16).
    • to request that we delete personal data that we have about you (in accordance with the Danish data protection legislation article 17).
    • to request that we minimize our management of your personal data (in accordance with the Danish data protection legislation article 18).
    • to request about dataportability in the extent that it is necessary (in accordance with the Danish data protection legislation article 20).
    • to make objections about the way we manage your personal data (in accordance with the Danish data protection legislation article 21).
  • We also refer to our policies etc., which also describes the special management of personal data. This includes personal data in connection to video surveillance, management of personal data connected to house rule complaints, delete policy management of personal data in connection to waiting lists. 
  • you can read more about the Danish data protection legislation and your rights on the Danish data protection agency’s website
  • As mentioned, you have the right to object about how we manage your personal data and you can - if you for example do not agree with our decision in connection to your objection - take the complaint about our management to the Danish data protection agency.



Housing society

Housing society contact information:

BOSERA (previously Kollegieboligselskabet)

Cortex Park 18A

phone: +45 66 13 40 08


The Danish Data Protection Agency

The Danish Data Protection Agency contact information:


Borgergade 28, 5

1300 København K

phone. +45 33193200
